Sunday, 31 May 2009

How to make friends and entertain people!

I'd like to introduce you to a new friend of mine. It was my birthday earlier this month and my wife Francesca surprised me with how well she knows me… I’m such a child and I’ve always had a knack for talking in silly voices without moving my lips… well, on the morning of my birthday, I woke up to this little fella, a ventriloquist monkey puppet as my present (pictured below, entertaining Nana). His name is Ginger and I can’t resist taking him with me now to entertain family and friends every time we visit.

Hmmmm… maybe I’ll take up ventriloquism! ;)


  1. I'm thinking picture #2 for your next CD cover. :)

  2. Great blog James. Keep posting! I've got one too, though I dought any 'fans' will be reading mine! love to you and Fran. Have a great time in the US and feel free to buy us lots of presents!!!! x
