Friday, 24 December 2010

100 Greatest Musicals album Out Now!

Just a quick note to let you know that the "100 Greatest Musicals" album on which I feature singing "All I Ask of You" with performer Gaynor Ellen is out now in all major music shops and online. You can download the songs off the album individually at Amazon.

It's a great album and features some amazing performers like Lesley Garrett, Dave Willetts etc.
And with 6 CDs is a bargain :)

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let... wait... that's enough!

Wow, it's been a crammed couple of months. Fun but majorly crammed. And to top it all of, I've been sick with the flu. Got it quite bad this time. I'm actually out the other side now and feeling so much better than I did (spare you the details), but could really have done without it!

Busy-ness and illness got me well behind on letting you all know that there is now a New 2nd Edition of my Christmas album "His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful" available. This time with SIX extra recordings! This will now replace the first edition on my site and is available for download on Amazon too.

Well, I have always adored the snow, but our little spell of freak Arctic weather conditions here in the UK at the moment have certainly caused a little bother!
It was the United Voice Choir's Christmas concert this last Saturday and it was touch and go as to whether it would even go ahead. The snow was BAD here!!
We did go ahead (reduced choir, reduced audience, no sound guy, no lighting guy etc - good job I have such a game and supportive family to fill the gaps), but it was FABULOUS :)

(Better images to follow - this one kindly taken on
Christine Wright's mobile:)

The choir excelled themselves and put on a fantastically festive musical evening. It was a wonderful start the Christmas and well worth the struggle to get it up and running.
I was so proud of everyone and also so proud of those who were unable to get out of their housing estates, but understood that "the show must go on!"

Well deserved Happy Christmas for all! :)